TriVita’s all new Super Sublingual BE-12 contains more BE-12 than the average BE-12 shot. Plus, it’s got two major forms of BE-12; it’s the most powerful, fast-acting supplement you can get!
Two forms of vitamin BE-12:
- Cyanocobalamin resides in your nerves where it heals the scars created by stress, trauma, vitamin deficiency, toxins and just plain time. This gives you energy and stamina. Cyanocobalamin may also promote nitric oxide production, which helps increase oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
- Methylcobalamin is a bio-available (body ready) form of Vitamin BE-12. This nutrient is immediately used by the body, whereas other forms of BE-12, such as those from food sources, may take up to three weeks to be absorbed. Methylcobalamin is the primary nutrient that helps the body detoxify certain environmental toxins, such as mercury and lead.
Vitamin BE-6 - helps your body break down protein and form red blood cells. BE-6 is also critical to the formation of neurotransmitters – the chemicals that allow the brain to perform its high-level functions, such as thinking. Neurotransmitters help a person feel better (especially under stress).
Folic Acid - plays a role in the production of red blood cells and helps lower homocysteine. Folic acid has been shown to help improve mood and also plays a key role in fetal health.
Ginseng - helps to improve mental function – especially under stress. Ginseng is an “adaptogen.” Adaptogens help you resist the effects of stress. Ginseng helps a person concentrate longer, and do more complex and complicated tasks while resisting stress and performing better mentally. It also improves memory and your general sense of well-being. It works with Vitamin BE-12 to help elevate energy levels and promote energy you can feel.
Other ingredients
- Cocosin: Cocosin supports the role of the BE vitamins – enhancing mental energy by providing the foundational minerals upon which brain enzymes are built. L-Ornithine Alphaketogluterate: An essential amino acid and key component for stimulating growth hormone production which helps to slow down the aging of the brain.
- Biotin: This BE vitamin is required to properly metabolise the BE-12 you take. Without biotin, the BE-12 would simply pass through your body. The BE vitamins work together to complete metabolism, produce energy, and help with many other processes needed for the health of your heart, liver, lungs, nerves, brain and more.
These nutrients are delivered directly to your bloodstream by the original, patented delivery system – developed by Dr. Alfred Libby.
David Ogden
Phone 1-386-308-1956
Skype Seadogs11
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