Monday, January 26, 2009

Retire In Ten Years

Retire in Ten Years - Planning ahead

Planning to retire soon, or a distant someday? If you're discouraged about the prospects of retiring, you're not alone: Only 18% of workers are very confident about retirement, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

With all the economic gloom-and-doom you hear these days, no wonder so many people feel uneasy. Your best bet? Make sure you have a solid retirement plan – starting today so that you can retire in ten years.

calculate your retirement savings The first step is to calculate your retirement savings. Ask yourself these questions:

  • How much do I have?
  • How much will I need to retire in tens years and live comfortably? (Be sure to include healthcare costs)
  • How much time do I have to create a nice nest egg?
  • Where will the money come from?
  • Social Security (go to for an online benefits calculator)
  • Pension(s)
  • Investments
The Employee Benefit Research Institute survey found that when people calculated their retirement savings, it had a strong effect on their behaviour: 44% changed their retirement planning strategy and 59% started saving and/or investing more.

Work longer
Many people of retirement age are finding that they must work longer than they had originally expected. Sometimes working a few extra years can make a huge difference when it comes to retirement funds. If you have to continue working to retire in ten years, there are some steps you can take to maximize your money:

  • Contribute the maximum amount to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
  • Contribute the maximum amount to your employer-retirement plan (if you're no longer working, you can roll over your 401(k) to an IRA)
  • Try to keep at least three months' expenses in a savings or similar account.
  • Seek expert advice
When it comes to financial planning, most of us could use some expert advice. And because life expectancy keeps increasing, seniors are finding themselves retired much longer than previous generations. This means the retirement plans of yesterday won't work for today – or tomorrow. Be sure you're prepared for this extended phase of life by consulting a financial planner (check credentials before hiring anyone). He or she will be able to assess your specific situation and offer the best suggestions to fit your needs.

Whether you plan your own retirement strategy or seek expert advice, the important thing is to plan. Take steps today so you'll be retirement ready tomorrow.

Are You ready to retire in ten years?

Planning is the name of the game

Employment in the retirement age
Are you 50+ and looking for a job?
Visit these web sites to find job postings, career advice and helpful job-search tools.
Or start a home business which can help you >retire in ten years.

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David Ogden
TriVita Independent Business Affiliate 13142173
Phone 1-386-308-1956
Skype Seadogs11
How to Retire In 10 Years
Web Prosperity Review

Retire In Ten Years

David Ogden - Internet Marketing Mentor
TheInterbiz LLC

Tel 603 217 5219
Skype: seadogs11

Weight Loss

Is weight Loss on your list of New Year's resolutions? This year, try a different approach. Forget the fad diets and expensive exercise machines of yesteryear. Instead,focus on changing your habits and behaviours – this will help you reach and maintain your weight loss goals.

Set achievable goals - The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends setting two to three goals at a time and making them:
• Specific
• Realistic
• Forgiving.

Make your weight loss goals specific and measurable. For instance, setting a goal of losing one to two pounds per week is not only specific, it is realistic – and healthy. But, you'll need to break it down even more. How will you lose the weight? Will you exercise five times a week? Cut 500 calories from your diet?

Write down your goals and be specific, realistic and forgiving. We're all human and fall short of our own expectations. If you don't reach your goal one week, don't give up!

Reward yours elf As you reach daily, weekly and monthly goals, reward yourself. This doesn't mean you should indulge in your favourite dessert.Reward yourself with a massage, a new haircut or even a new outfit – in a smaller size, of course.

Monitor your progress Keeping track of your progress is a good way to stay on track and gain encouragement. You can monitor what you eat, how much you eat, how often you exercise and how much weight you've lost. If you're having trouble reaching your goals, your records will help you determine what may be jeopardizing your weight loss, such as eating too many snacks.

Review your eating habits
Food is associated with so many aspects of our lives. We watch a movie, we munch on buttery popcorn. We meet a friend for coffee, we get a baked treat to go with it. Pay careful attention to your eating habits so you'll be able to identify what changes you need to make. Get full, not stuffed It takes your brain 15 minutes or more to recognize that you are full. So changing the way you eat can dramatically affect how much you eat.

  • Eat slowly; put your fork down between bites and swallow before picking it up again
  • Eat plenty of high water-content fruits and vegetables; they will make you feel fuller
  • Drink lots of water each day; it will help you feel full, and offers a wealth of other health benefits
Get started today. Change your ways, change your weight – change your life!

Healthy eating is one of the best ways to help you reach your weight loss goals. Our nutrition expert shares how you can eat healthfully; not just decreasing calories,

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weight loss Report Click Here or if you want a Free Fast Track To Weight Loss DVD Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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