Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Weight Loss

We know how crazy the holidays can be, but do not allow yourself to get lazy by putting off your weight loss workouts just to run holiday errands. It's a huge mistake to risk losing lean muscle mass that you have worked so diligently to maintain. Remember, muscle is your metabolism, and any losses in muscle tissue will lower your resting metabolic rate by up to 75%! Do you really want to decrease your ability to burn calories by 75%? Didn't think so. In addition, losing muscle will of course equate to losses in strength, and workout performance.

Here are 5 helpful tips to prevent weigh loss regression during the holidays:

1) Perform at least two intense 15-minute strength training workouts per week

Performing two intense but brief strength training workouts in the format of non-competing circuits will guarantee you maintain the lean muscle mass you worked hard to attain.

2) Perform N.E.A.T. weight loss exercises throughout the day

N.E.A.T. stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and is associated with fidgeting, maintenance of posture, and other physical activities of daily life. Research has shown that a significant increase of NEAT has proven to prevent excess weight gain over the holidays.

3) Drink 8-10 oz of water daily

Among its other benefits, water plays a major part in weight loss. Since water contains no calories, it can serve as an appetite suppressant, and helps the body metabolise stored fat. It may possibly be one of the most significant factors in weight loss. Also, drinking more water helps to reduce water retention by stimulating your kidneys. Studies have recommended that if you are overweight according to average height and weight comparison charts, you should add one glass of water to your daily requirement (of eight glasses) for every 25 pounds over your recommended weight. Some experts suggest during the hot summer months to add an additional glass to that total.

4) Take a fun specialty class like Zumba, Hip Hop, or Cardio Kickboxing

Participating in a specialty class over the holidays breaks up the monotony of your typical routine. Get into the groove, your body could use the change up and you'll see greater fitness gains when you return to your structured routine.

5) Use the world as your gym

If weather permits, head out to the parks and perform bodyweight exercises. Certain bodyweight exercises still prove superior to mainstream strength exercises. Or, just simply meet up with your good friends and throw a football around. Whatever it is just get out there, enjoy nature, enjoy fresh air, and move with a purpose.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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AARP Finance

AARP Finance - As the year draws to a close stocks around the world are falling with day after day of bad news. Banks, Car Manufacturers, Home Owners and many large retail stores face an uncertain future and little is expected to change as the new year dawns.

AARP members are recommended wherever possible to reduce outstanding debts and to start living within their means. The few AARP members who are debt free are the lucky ones and are in the best position to be able to take advantage of market situations. The Majority need however to sit down over the holiday period and examine their finances.

Perhaps house owners with a large mortgage would be better to sell off and rent property instead of servicing a large debt. Use public transport rather than cars.

Spiraling credit was a root cause of the financial problems that beset AARP members. Credit cards are an expensive way of borrowing money, so it is important to pay off more than the minimum every month and if possible stop using a credit card and plan to replace it with a debit card once the balance has been paid off.

AARP members should seek out cards which offer zero percent on balance transfers which will help pay of thier dept earlier and avoid paying high interest rates.

David Ogden - Tomorrows Home Business
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