Obesity is a long-term problem which requires an equally long-term solution. Don’t ask your doctor for “slimming” tablets because they only serve to cut down your appetite. If you are desperate to lose weight in a week is not an impossible question to answer. But it sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Not really - not when you know the secret to learning how to lose weight in a week is a well-balanced diet and exercise.
Diet enables your stomach to get used to a smaller amount of food intake every day. It helps it decrease the whole quantity of consumed calories; therefore, dieting can make you lose weight fast.
Don’t Starve if you are desperate to lose weight
Starving yourself is not the be all and end all if you are desperate lose weight quickly, no matter how much you try. It only creates an increased desire to eat, causing you to double your consumption. Try cutting back on fattening foods like carbohydrates. These are mostly those with high caloric values. Sweets, starches, and red meat should be avoided, if you are desperate to lose weight in a week.
Salt is a big no-no, if you are desperate to lose weigh. More than a tablespoon of sodium (which is a huge component of salt) causes bloating. You are allowed to eat 3 to 6 meals per day, as long as you watch your portions. Also, make sure to consult the food calorie table in case you have questions.
Drink Plenty Of Water if you are desperate to lose weight.
Contrary to popular belief, water does not contribute to weight gain. Only 7 percent of the water we drink is retained, while the rest is used up throughout the body. It is highly-recommended to drink at least a gallon of water per day to reap your desired results.
Think of your body as a sieve. Water washes out the dirt and grime inside, including excess fat. It is important to know that, when you are desperate to lose weight, one must stay away from other liquids like coffee and tea , as these are proven to be fluid-sucking. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to provide the fiber needed to keep your bowel movements regular.
Exercise if you are desperate to lose weight
It is entirely possible to lose weight just by exercise. If you think exercise is doing aerobics or hitting the gym, then you’re very mistaken. Performing your daily chores religiously, such as mowing the lawn or taking the dog for a walk is still acceptable as a means of exercise. It doesn’t need to be all technical at all. As long as those muscles are put to work for a long period of time, then that would suffice.
If you are desperate to lose weight check out the Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here
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Health and Fitness Coach
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