Friday, February 13, 2009

Retire In Ten Years

Retire in ten years, is an option when you run an online business. but there is a secret.

Let’s face it, if you put off talking to everyone you know because you might be afraid of what they might think of you and your business, then you can never expect to achieve the level of success that others have when they have talked to everyone they know. The contact list is the life blood of any MLM business, and to be hesitant to work through the list is a good way to lose any momentum and a reason to just quit like so many have in the past.

How do you get past this problem, start your home business, and retire in ten years?

With the Internet, e-mail, and software available, today is a new day in network marketing. No more bothering friends and family and trying to convince people against their will to join your business. You now have the ability to post your business out there in cyber space and find that there are people who actually want to join your business. This may be just the answer for you to revive your business and get you over the hurdle that’s been keeping you from earning the income available in your home based business. But how do you get started?

The key to success that will allow you to retire in ten years, is getting customers for your business and to be honest its a problem for many home business owners, who spend many hours cultivating business leads and often give up. There is however an answer and that is to buy customers, that way you can save all the cost time and hassle in marketing your product and build a good customer base.

Now not many people know this secret that will allow you to retire in ten years, but there is a direct selling company in the USA that will sell their customers to you, and what is more on top of earning ongoing commissions they will continue to market to your customers.

Does this sound to good to be true?, well it gets better you can join in with a group of fellow entrepreneurs who will work with you to grow your business.

David Ogden - Tomorrows Home Business - Retire in Ten Years
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Weight Loss

Weight loss obsession can be blamed on our popular media. whereas our real goal is to look and feel good.

The media obsession with those figures on the scales sets false hopes and promises, ultimately leading to failure in our goals. Whilst some publications and reports have recently stopped using weight as the primary indicator, it’s twin brother of Body Mass Index (BMI) is used instead, in the false assumption that there is an ideal weight for your height!

Yes, BMI is a slightly better indicator than simply weight alone, but it forgets some of us are naturally built like an anorexic marathon runner, or a muscle packed quarterback, throwing the BMI measure completely out the window.

The problem with weight loss is the unhealthy fixation with restricted calorie diets, hundreds of hours of aerobic exercise, and in some cases, surgical methods to cut a few pounds from the scales.

I call it “unhealthy”, as these traditional weight loss methods have been shown in many scientific studies to be detrimental to our body’s metabolic rate, causing our body to hold on to the body fat we are so desperate to lose. There is more evidence in the gym today, you'll spot many of the members on the treadmills and in aerobic classes day after day, week after week, without any noticeable difference in body shape. Even the aerobics instructors are looking a little “chubby”!

Restricted calorie diets cause our body to go into starvation mode, with the ultimate result of slowing our metabolism and causing us to store more fat rather than losing the stuff so not helping our weight loss cause.

It is clear that all the old approaches are not working, so what does work then?

If fat loss or body shape and size was our primary focus, I believe we are more likely to attain our goals. The process of “fat loss” would mean you concentrate on actions to boost your normal metabolic rate, and boost it significantly enough to allow fat to simply disappear naturally.

This would include exercises to build more metabolically active tissues, this means resistance type training to increase muscle tissue. You would also look to adopt eating habits that boost your metabolism rather than slow it down, meaning eating smaller meals every 2 to 3 hours, and eating foods that contain good protein sources and not the processed carbs that are so prevalent in the modern diet.

These methods will not only allow you to drop the 1, 2 or more dress/jean sizes, show your flat stomach or 6 pack abs, and make your butt look smaller, but you'll probably get some weight loss in the process as well.

So today is the day to change your focus from those numbers on the scales, to simply working out how to lose the fat that is covering your body. Losing the fat is not complicated, it simply requires a shift in your perception of what are the most “effective” methods. Start today by quitting the “diet”, eating sensibly and regularly instead. Get into the gym and do the more effective resistance workouts and stay away from the cross trainer!

You could also consider using fat loss capsules to increase your metabolism and burn off excess carbohydrates.

To find out how to lose weight the safe way Click Here, or to receive my FREE weight loss Report Click Here or if you want a Free Fast Track To Weight Loss DVD Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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