Weight Loss - Diet is a crucial factor in weight loss but selecting right diet plan is more important. This post considers the General Motors Diet plan and how it might help in losing weight.
General Motors Diet, commonly known as GM diet was originally developed for employees and dependents of General Motors, Inc. and was intended for their exclusive use during the 1980’s. The GM diet makers also believed that it would improve attitudes and emotions because of its cleansing effects in the body. The seven day plan is though to burn more calories than the body receives. Theoretically, yes. But the human system is rather is rather complicated. The diet contains no alcohol, and you must drink 10 glasses of water per day.
- All fruits except bananas on day one.
- All vegetables on day two
- A mix of fruits and vegetables on day three
- Bananas and milk on day four
- Beef and tomatoes on day five
- Beef and vegetables on day six
- Brown rice, fruit juices and vegetables on day seven
Beef has been replaced with rice. A repeat is advised for further
weight loss. Pulses are disallowed because they are high in calories. Recipes have been made up revolving around the GM diet.
On the positive side,the GM diet is ok for a week if done occasionally to cleanse the system. Only those people who can withstand the low energy intake should use it for longer. On the negative side, when on such a low energy diet the body tends to hold back the fat reserve and burns muscle for energy that is requirement for daily activity. The second and subsequent attempts at weight loss become more and more difficult because the basic rate at which the body burns calories (BMR) slows down. Following this diet repeatedly can deplete the body of energy and some important nutrients when needed. Many followers of GM diet have steadily gained back their weight, so it is not a recommended diet.
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GM diet