Sometimes you are faced with a challenge when you are on a diet and desperate to lose weight, you have to eat out at a restaurant, perhaps its a business meeting or a must attend function, so here are some tips to assist you.
The first thing you need to do is use common sense. Here's a quick list of things that'll help you survive any restaurant.
- Go for the chicken or fish.
- Avoid fried food.
- Unless it's veggies, salad, or fruit, skip the side dish.
- Pasta? Avoid cream sauces and just eat half your portion.
- No bread, except if you're having a sandwich. And get whole wheat.
- Ask for the salad dressing on the side and use it sparingly.
- Piece of meat = 2 protein portions.
- Side of veggies or salad = 1 veggie portion per side dish.
- Salad dressing can count as 1 condiment portion if you limit the serving to 2 tablespoons.
- If you ignored my extra side dish advice, count that as 1 carb portion.
- If there's any kind of sauce or marinade on your meat, add 1 condiment portion.
- Add 1 fat portion. Restaurants are notorious for sneaking fat and sodium into food. That's why it tastes so good.
- In the event that you are 100 percent, categorically certain that there's no hidden fat in your meal, skip step 5 and add 1 condiment portion, simply because I don't trust those restaurant guys. I'm certain they put something in there. Trust me. I'm paranoid so that you don't have to be.
We have our fish, so that's 2 protein portions. The vegetable rice pilaf is 1 carb portion and 1 veggie portion. The corn and tomato slices are 1 veggie portion each. Let's call that 1 carb portion and 1 veggie portion. There doesn't seem to be a lot of fat going on here, so we'll skip the fat portion. However, the pilaf is savoury, which implies a sauce, so let's add 1 condiment portion.
Here's where we end up.
Fit Fare Grilled Tilapia with Rice Pilaf, Corn, and Tomato Slices Fit Fare Grilled Tilapia with Rice Pilaf, Corn, and Tomato Slices
3 veggie portions
2 protein portions
1 carb portion
1 condiment portion
* Calories: 600
* Protein: 58 g
* Carbs: 66 g
* Fat Total: 11 g
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