Do you want to lose weight or lose fat?
It is important that you understand the difference, if you are looking for fast weight loss you will generally not lose fat, as the fast weight loss is often achieved by losing water, yes in 72 hours you can lose weight in this way but it will go back just as quickly.
Losing fat will however trim your body and with exercise you will build lean muscles which will make you look better but because toned muscles weight more that fat you actual weight loss will be smaller.
If you want to lose fat, its a matter of ensuring that you eat less calories than the body will burn, for example if you consume 450 less calories in a day you will lose 1/8 of a pound a day or 11 lbs in three months.
You need to take care not to eat less than 1200 calories a day otherwise you risk your body going into starvation mode and slowing your metabolism, and when this happens, fat is conserved which defeats the object and you will not lose weight.
For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here
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