Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sonoran Bloom Tour

Sonoran Bloom Tour Update

63 people attend a Buffet luncheon which launched Sonoran Bloom Nopalea in Orlando hosted by Michael Ellison, local affiliates shared the Sonoran Bloom experience with others. A Number of new Affiliates were signed up after the luncheon

Mitch Lover a top distributor attended the luncheon with 7 guests and they were so impressed with the product and the testimonial of one affiliate who recounted a story of paying forward and giving someone who had type 2 diabetes, and was in great pain before trying Nopalea, and after 5 days the pain and tenderness has decreased and she is now able to exercise with out pain. All seven people signed up.

This was the the first of 25 cities in a tour and this evening there was a number of other guest where members of the public were be able to learn about and sample the new Nopalea drink extracted from the Nopal Cactus which grows in the Sonora Desert in the SW USA.

If you wish to reserve a place for a free Lunch and Free product at the following cities please contact me urgently:

Registration close 3 days before event

Other cities Coming soon
Charlotte NC 12th May
Kansas City 13th May
Albuquerque 14th May
Bangor 19th May
Baltimore 21st May
Toronto 2nd June
Winnipeg 3rd June
Calgary 4th June
Vancouver 16th June
Portland 17th June
Seattle 18th June

If you are interested to know more about Sonoran Bloom please Click Here to contact me.

David Ogden - Helping People Help Themselves
Contact Us
TriVita Affiliate 13142173
phone 1-386-308-1956
Skype seadogs11
Tomorrows home business Group
Sonoran Bloom Web site

Weight Loss

Walking for Health

How much should we walk to lose weight or to maintain fitness? A good rule of thumb is you must take 12,000 - 15,000 steps a day to lose weight. It takes about 10,000 steps a day to maintain fitness. Obviously fewer steps mean you are neither losing or maintaining. Any amount of walking is good. For the best health results set a brisk walking pace for 30 minutes at least 5 times a week.

How can we get started? Like all exercise programs there are some great ideas to get us going. The first suggestion is to buy a pedometer so you can measure how many steps you take each day. They are readily available and affordable. There are two great options available at I Spy I Buy - take a look. Some even help count calories. It is easy to calibrate your pedometer. Count the number of steps taken over a known distance and do a little math. A quarter mile track at a local school are easy places to calibrate your step length.

Next we have to plan our schedules to incorporate walking. Start slowly and build up to your target level. Easy ways to add walking to your schedule is to walk with friends, a loved one or your family dog. Its a wonderful way to spend quality time and get healthy.

If you look at the benefits of walking they read like the wild claims of a snake oil salesman. Its easy to do. Costs very little. And it works.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden- Helping People Help Themselves
Health and Fitness Coach
Contact Us
TriVita Business Affiliate 13142173
Sonoran Bloom - New antioxidant and detoxifying drink
phone 1-386-308-1956 After 6PM EST
Skype seadogs11
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Tomorrow<I></I>'s Home Business Community RSS Feed Links

Send Out a Real Card For Mothers Day

Are you the kind of person that uses the Internet to search for cards, I used to send out a lot of  e-cards because it was so quick and easy to send them. but over the past few years many have gone missing as email addresses are changed or blocked.

Sending an e-card does not have the same effect as when you send a real card through the post, the recipient misses out on the thrill of opening an envelope , not knowing what it contains and its also nice to be able to display a real card on special occasions such as Mothers  day.

I recently discovered a way to send out real cards online and they can be sent using my l handwriting and signature, so that I do not have to bother to search around the shops, I can just browse online and make my choice,

I would in fact like to invite you to try the system for yourself just go to my website Send Out Real Cards

You can then check for yourself how quick and easy it is.

David Ogden - helping People Help Themselves

386 308 1956


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