Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weight Loss – Why You Fail

Weight Loss

Why you Fail to Lose Weight

I have been studying weight loss for over a year now and have discovered that weight loss is similar to running an online business, in that the failure rate is very high, hence the number of obese people in the USA and around the world.

Weight loss depends on three key factors.

  1. Determination - you need to have the right mind set, goals and rewards and look for long term weight loss rather than a quick fix. you have to follow your diet and exercise program to the letter and keep focussed on you goals no matter what is going on around you.
  2. Consistency - You need to be able to realise when you are are straying from the program by eating that bar of chocolate or missing out on a scheduled exercise, which happens from time to time, but get back to your program.
  3. Faith - You must trust in the program you have selected and give it time to work, loseing weight in a healthy way is a slow effort and take time don't be diverted from you program because of the new latest fad diet.
If you are in business you may recognise the above traits, they are what bring success to your business and will do the same for your health, so apply them to your lifestyle today.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita on Converta™– the fat burning accelerator. Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden- Helping People Help Themselves
Health and Fitness Coach
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