Weight Loss - The problem with many weight loss programs available in the market is that they tend to reduce the water content of the body. This way the weight a person loses is only water weight which is only temporary and does not include any fats. As a matter of fact low body content in the body can itself lead to diseases, it might hamper the blood circulation and thickening of blood whose worst cases can cause Anaemia.
During a strict weight loss regime drinking six to seven glasses of water each day is ideal. Water not only gives a smooth texture to the human skin but it also enables the body to get rid of toxins. Water is a vital body fluid. According to research drinking lukewarm lime water after physical exercises can double the effect of the workout and also keeps the body’s metabolism active for a longer duration of time.
Fresh juices are also a great aid in weight loss, especially orange juices help a lot in shedding of extra fat as they score low on sugar and high on minerals.
The demand of water by human body can be met in two ways namely direct and indirect. Direct method is the consumption of water whereas indirect refers to eating fruits and vegetables and drinking juices. Water helps in weight loss by detoxifying the body. It also aids bowel movements in the intestines. And to conclude, water consumed in high quantities can be a great weight loss aid.
To learn more about weight loss the safe way Click Here, or to receive my FREE weight loss Report Click Here or if you want a Free Fast Track To Weight Loss DVD Click Here
David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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