What are the secret ingredients for weight loss? It's not a magical diet pill or anything you can buy in a bottle. The secret is not any organic health food or low fat, low sugar foods, although these things help and are needed for weight loss success.
To really succeed at losing weight the recipe is weight loss motivation, total commitment and knowledge.
Getting Motivated for Weight Loss
Finding the right motivation can be the key to weight loss and Motivation is all about getting encouraged to do something challenging. So look for ways you can excite yourself to lose weight. Here are a few weight loss motivation tips to help you get excited about losing weight.
Grab a friend and lose weight together. Remember that everyone will lose weight at different rates so don't get depressed loses faster than you. Use this friend to vent your feelings and thoughts on weight loss.
Stay motivated by tracking and recording your weight loss. Using tracking tools is a great your advancement. You can find a weight loss chart on-line to download and use or create your own. You can record and monitor your calories eaten, exercise calories and inches lost. Seeing your progress visually is a excellent motivator.
Build a bonus plan and give yourself a reward when you reach a 5 pound or even 2 pound loss. You can also reward yourself for having a healthy week even if you didn't lose weight. Just create a reward system that keeps you motivated during your weight loss challenge.
Lastly, be your own best friend by writing down your own motivational saying. Make it something you can relate to and get motivated by it. Post it where you can read it often when you need a jolt in your motivation.
Get Committed to Lose Weight
Secondly after weight loss motivation you want to find commitment to lose weight. (Don't simply say|It's not as easy as saying|It takes more than just saying} you want to lose the weight but really commit to it by writing it down. Build a weight loss plan and set goals. You should have your final goal, the one where you state you want drop 2 dress sizes or lose so many inches.. This is the big challenge you are setting up for.
Develop smaller goals that you can use to assess your progress. For example you can create weekly and even monthly goals. These can be anything from "I want to add 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week" to "I want to lose 2 inches this week". Make your goals achievable so that you don't get disappointed and lose motivation. Read your weight loss goals often to remind yourself of what you want to achieve for the week, month or day.
Weight Loss Knowledge
You cannot successfully implement a plan unless you have the right knowledge. Learn all you can about what it will take for you to achieve weight loss. Understand the proper calorie intake for weight loss and how many calories you burn.
To lose weight you must create a calorie shortage. You burn calories every day doing your normal everyday tasks and even while sleeping. This is what is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is calculated by using your height and weight, gender and age and exercise level.
Once you figure out your BMR then you can modify and create a calorie deficit. You can do this be either taking in fewer calories or by adding more exercise or both. Studies show that people who add exercise in addition to dieting you lose weight faster and are more likely to keep the weight off, so you should plan for eating healthy as well as adding exercise to your weight loss goals.
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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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