Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Weight Loss

What are the secret ingredients for weight loss? It's not a magical diet pill or anything you can buy in a bottle. The secret is not any organic health food or low fat, low sugar foods, although these things help and are needed for weight loss success.

To really succeed at losing weight the recipe is weight loss motivation, total commitment and knowledge.

Getting Motivated for Weight Loss

Finding the right motivation can be the key to weight loss and Motivation is all about getting encouraged to do something challenging. So look for ways you can excite yourself to lose weight. Here are a few weight loss motivation tips to help you get excited about losing weight.

Grab a friend and lose weight together. Remember that everyone will lose weight at different rates so don't get depressed loses faster than you. Use this friend to vent your feelings and thoughts on weight loss.

Stay motivated by tracking and recording your weight loss. Using tracking tools is a great your advancement. You can find a weight loss chart on-line to download and use or create your own. You can record and monitor your calories eaten, exercise calories and inches lost. Seeing your progress visually is a excellent motivator.

Build a bonus plan and give yourself a reward when you reach a 5 pound or even 2 pound loss. You can also reward yourself for having a healthy week even if you didn't lose weight. Just create a reward system that keeps you motivated during your weight loss challenge.

Lastly, be your own best friend by writing down your own motivational saying. Make it something you can relate to and get motivated by it. Post it where you can read it often when you need a jolt in your motivation.

Get Committed to Lose Weight

Secondly after weight loss motivation you want to find commitment to lose weight. (Don't simply say|It's not as easy as saying|It takes more than just saying} you want to lose the weight but really commit to it by writing it down. Build a weight loss plan and set goals. You should have your final goal, the one where you state you want drop 2 dress sizes or lose so many inches.. This is the big challenge you are setting up for.

Develop smaller goals that you can use to assess your progress. For example you can create weekly and even monthly goals. These can be anything from "I want to add 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week" to "I want to lose 2 inches this week". Make your goals achievable so that you don't get disappointed and lose motivation. Read your weight loss goals often to remind yourself of what you want to achieve for the week, month or day.

Weight Loss Knowledge

You cannot successfully implement a plan unless you have the right knowledge. Learn all you can about what it will take for you to achieve weight loss. Understand the proper calorie intake for weight loss and how many calories you burn.

To lose weight you must create a calorie shortage. You burn calories every day doing your normal everyday tasks and even while sleeping. This is what is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is calculated by using your height and weight, gender and age and exercise level.

Once you figure out your BMR then you can modify and create a calorie deficit. You can do this be either taking in fewer calories or by adding more exercise or both. Studies show that people who add exercise in addition to dieting you lose weight faster and are more likely to keep the weight off, so you should plan for eating healthy as well as adding exercise to your weight loss goals.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Weigth Loss Myths

Below is a list of the Myths you can read about in this article. Click the link at the bottom of the column to find the real truth.

Myth: High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are a healthy weight loss diet.

Fact: The long-term health effects of a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet are unknown. But getting most of your daily calories from high-protein foods like meat, eggs, and cheese is not a balanced eating plan.

You may be eating too much fat and cholesterol, which may raise heart disease risk. You may be eating too few fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which may lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber. Following a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet may also make you feel nauseous, tired, and weak.

Eating fewer than 130 grams of carbohydrate a day can lead to the buildup of ketones (partially broken-down fats) in your blood. A buildup of ketones in your blood (called ketosis) can cause your body to produce high levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout (a painful swelling of the joints) and kidney stones. Ketosis may be especially risky for pregnant women and people with diabetes or kidney disease.

Tip: High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are often low in calories because food choices are strictly limited, so they may cause short-term weight loss. But a reduced-calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat will also allow you to lose weight. By following a balanced eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—and miss the key nutrients they contain. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan that includes a greater variety of foods.

Myth: Starches are fattening and should be limited when seeking weight loss.

Fact: Many foods high in starch, like bread, rice, pasta, cereals, beans, fruits, and some vegetables (like potatoes and yams) are low in fat and calories. They become high in fat and calories when eaten in large portion sizes or when covered with high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream, or mayonnaise. Foods high in starch (also called complex carbohydrates) are an important source of energy for your body.

Tip: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating 6 to 11 servings a day, depending on your calorie needs, from the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group—even when seeking weight loss. Pay attention to your serving sizes—one serving is equal to 1 slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or ½ cup of pasta, rice, or cooked cereal. Try to avoid high-fat toppings and choose whole grains, like whole wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, and bran cereal. Choose other starchy foods that are high in dietary fiber too, like beans, peas, and vegetables.

Myth: Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and lead to weight loss.

Fact: No foods can burn fat. Some foods with caffeine may speed up your metabolism (the way your body uses energy, or calories) for a short time, but they do not cause weight loss.

Tip: The best way to lose weight is to cut back on the number of calories you eat and be more physically active.

Myth: Natural or herbal weight loss products are safe and effective.

Fact: A weight loss product that claims to be "natural" or "herbal" is not necessarily safe. These products are not usually scientifically tested to prove that they are safe or that they work. For example, herbal products containing ephedra (now banned by the U.S. Government) have caused serious health problems and even death. Newer products that claim to be ephedra-free are not necessarily danger-free, because they may contain ingredients similar to ephedra.

Tip: Talk with your health care provider before using any weight loss product. Some natural or herbal weight loss products can be harmful

Myth: "I can lose weight while eating whatever I want."

Fact: for weight Loss, you need to use more calories than you eat. It is possible to eat any kind of food you want and lose weight. You need to limit the number of calories you eat every day and/or increase your daily physical activity. Portion control is the key. Try eating smaller amounts of food and choosing foods that are low in calories.

Tip: When trying to lose weight, you can still eat your favourite foods—as long as you pay attention to the total number of calories that you eat.

Myth: Low-fat or nonfat means no calories.

Fact: A low-fat or nonfat food is often lower in calories than the same size portion of the full-fat product. But many processed low-fat or nonfat foods have just as many calories as the full-fat version of the same food or even more calories. They may contain added sugar, flour, or starch thickeners to improve flavour and texture after fat is removed. These ingredients add calories.

Tip: Read the Nutrition Facts Label on a food package to find out how many calories are in a serving. Check the serving size too it may be less than you are used to eating. For more information about reading food labels, read the brochure Energize Yourself and Your Family, from the Weight-control Information Network (WIN) or visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) online at

Myth: Fast foods are always an unhealthy choice and you should not eat them when dieting.

Fact: Fast foods can be part of a healthy weight loss program with a little bit of know-how.

Tip: Avoid super size combo meals, or split one with a friend. Sip on water or nonfat milk instead of soda. Choose salads and grilled foods, like a grilled chicken breast sandwich or small hamburger. Try a "fresco" taco (with salsa instead of cheese or sauce) at taco stands. Fried foods, like French fries and fried chicken, are high in fat and calories, so order them only once in a while, order a small portion, or split an order with a friend. Also, use only small amounts of high-fat, high-calorie toppings, like regular mayonnaise, salad dressings, bacon, and cheese.

Myth: Skipping meals is a good for weight loss.

Fact: Studies show that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat four or five times a day. This may be because people who skip meals tend to feel hungrier later on, and eat more than they normally would. It may also be that eating many small meals throughout the day helps people control their appetites.

Tip: Eat small meals throughout the day that include a variety of healthy, low-fat, low-calorie foods. For more information about healthy eating, read the WIN brochure Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Across Your Life span: Tips for Adults.

Myth: Eating after 8 p.m. causes weight gain.

Fact: It does not matter what time of day you eat. It is what and how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the whole day that determines whether you gain, lose, or maintain your weight. No matter when you eat, your body will store extra calories as fat.

Tip: If you want to have a snack before bedtime, think first about how many calories you have eaten that day. And try to avoid snacking in front of the TV at night it may be easier to overeat when you are distracted by the television.

Myth: Lifting weights is not good to do if you want weight loss, because it will make you "bulk up."

Fact: Lifting weights or doing strengthening activities like push-ups and crunches on a regular basis can actually help you maintain or lose weight. These activities can help you build muscle, and muscle burns more calories than body fat. So if you have more muscle, you burn more calories—even sitting still. Doing strengthening activities 2 or 3 days a week will not "bulk you up." Only intense strength training, combined with a certain genetic background, can build very large muscles.

Tip: In addition to doing at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (like walking 2 miles in 30 minutes) on most days of the week, try to do strengthening activities 2 to 3 days a week. You can lift weights, use large rubber bands (resistance bands), do push-ups or sit-ups, or do household or garden tasks that make you lift or dig.

Myth: Nuts are fattening and you should not eat them if you are seeking weight loss.

Fact: In small amounts, nuts can be part of a healthy weight loss program. Nuts are high in calories and fat. However, most nuts contain healthy fats that do not clog arteries. Nuts are also good sources of protein, dietary fiber, and minerals including magnesium and copper.

Tip: Enjoy small portions of nuts. One-third cup of mixed nuts has about 270 calories.

Myth: Eating red meat is bad for your health and makes it harder to lose weight.

Fact: Eating lean meat in small amounts can be part of a healthy weight loss plan. Red meat, pork, chicken, and fish contain some cholesterol and saturated fat (the least healthy kind of fat). They also contain healthy nutrients like protein, iron, and zinc.

Tip: Choose cuts of meat that are lower in fat and trim all visible fat. Lower fat meats include pork tenderloin and beef round steak, tenderloin, sirloin tip, flank steak, and extra lean ground beef. Also, pay attention to portion size. One serving is 2 to 3 ounces of cooked meat—about the size of a deck of cards

Myth: Dairy products are fattening and unhealthy.

Fact: Low-fat and nonfat milk, yogurt, and cheese are just as nutritious as whole milk dairy products, but they are lower in fat and calories. Dairy products have many nutrients your body needs. They offer protein to build muscles and help organs work properly, and calcium to strengthen bones. Most milks and some yogurts are fortified with vitamin D to help your body use calcium.

Tip: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that people aged 9 to 18 and over age 50 have three servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese a day. Adults aged 19 to 49 need two servings a day, even when seeking weight loss. A serving is equal to 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1½ ounces of natural cheese such as cheddar, or 2 ounces of processed cheese such as American. Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products including milk, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.

If you cannot digest lactose (the sugar found in dairy products), choose low-lactose or lactose-free dairy products, or other foods and beverages that offer calcium and vitamin D (listed below).
• Calcium: fortified fruit juice, soy-based beverage, or tofu made with calcium slate; canned salmon; dark leafy greens like collards or kale
• Vitamin D: fortified fruit juice, soy-based beverage, or cereal (getting some sunlight on your skin also gives you a small amount of vitamin D

Myth: "Going vegetarian" means you are sure to lose weight and be healthier.

Fact: Research shows that people who follow a vegetarian eating plan, on average, eat fewer calories and less fat than non-vegetarians. They also tend to have lower body weights relative to their heights than non-vegetarians. Choosing a vegetarian eating plan with a low fat content may be helpful for weight loss. But vegetarians—like non-vegetarians—can make food choices that contribute to weight gain, like eating large amounts of high-fat, high-calorie foods or foods with little or no nutritional value.

Vegetarian diets should be as carefully planned as non-vegetarian diets to make sure they are balanced. Nutrients that non-vegetarians normally get from animal products, but that are not always found in a vegetarian eating plan, are iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, and protein.

Tip: Choose a vegetarian eating plan that is low in fat and that provides all of the nutrients your body needs. Food and beverage sources of nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian diet are listed below.
• Iron: cashews, spinach, lentils, garbanzo beans, fortified bread or cereal
• Calcium: dairy products, fortified soy-based beverages or fruit juices, tofu made with calcium slate, collard greens, kale, broccoli
• Vitamin D: fortified foods and beverages including milk, soy-based beverages, fruit juices, or cereal
• Vitamin B12: eggs, dairy products, fortified cereal or soy-based beverages, tempeh, miso (tempeh and miso are foods made from soybeans)
• Zinc: whole grains (especially the germ and bran of the grain), nuts, tofu, leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage, lettuce)
• Protein: eggs, dairy products, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, soy-based burgers.

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Weigth Loss

Weight loss programs offer a process to safely and effectively lose weight according to a plan. Weight loss is achieved when the calorie intake is less than the calories burnt. Weight gain or loss largely depends on the lifestyle of an individual. An effective weight loss program is required to attain weight loss. A person with a sedentary life style needs lot of efforts to lose weight as compared to a person with an active lifestyle.

Ideally, weight loss programs should aim at weight loss as well as waist inch loss. A person with proportionate weight but a big tummy will also require a specific program to attain the right balance. It is advisable to have smaller attainable targets initially. The chosen weight loss program should be safe and consistent. It must be carried out under professional guidance. People with ailments like diabetes, heart problem and high blood pressure should consult their physician.

There are a multitude of weight loss programs to choose from. Some programs can be carried out with friends who have the same goal. Some people depend on web sites, diet books and videotapes that contain various exercises. They set goals for themselves and use their own instincts while selecting a program. Non-clinical programs are the ones devised by fitness experts and gyms. These are usually customized programs. Clinical programs are carried out in a medical setup like a clinic under the supervision of health experts. These are usually a combination of therapy, massage, exercise and diet. These programs are very helpful for severely obese people.

A weight maintenance program should follow a structured weight loss program. When a person loses weight, the fat cells are only temporarily compressed. When the person resumes normal routine, these fat cells start expanding again. This would prove to be a wasted effort. Hence, weight management steps should be inculcated in daily life. Weight management is a lifelong process. One of the ways to maintain weight is by increasing the physical activity in an individual?s daily routine.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weight Loss

Top Ten Weight Loss Tips for the New Year. The list represents important ideas that come up time after time when members tell us about their weight loss success.

I will be letting you know the mistakes that fat people do when try trying to lose weight .

According to Us Dept of health, we are lead to believe that 95% of all the weight loss is regained and 96% of all weight loss attempt ends in failure


It means that less than one fat person in twenty succeeds when trying to lose weight.

Before going on ,I will like to classify the fat people into two :

The overweight
The obese , those people that I call dangerously overweight.
The overweight are 73 % while the obese are 26%. I am sure you know how alarming this issue is to the whole world , most especially United states.

What can we do to reverse this deadly trend ?

I think what can be done is to let people know the real fact about weight loss and I will start that by letting you to understand ten mistakes we make when trying to lose weight.

Going on diets

This point may come as a shock to people , but that's number one fact you need to know . Dieting is a very bas way to lose weight because people tend to ignore all of the reasons why they are overweight in the first place.

The way to lose weight is to eat less , exercise more , but the truth is no one overeats because of physical hunger. Am I right? Yes I am because recent research shows me that , the real reason why people eat too much are totally has nothing to do with food…. What did I say? NOTHING . that is why no amount of you trying to deny yourself will make any kind of lasting difference . All it does is , it makes people to feel deprived , anxious and more depressed when the fail yet again.

It's not about the food . it is about why people don't stop eating the food , even when the physical hunger has been satisfied. Can you now agree with me that going on diet is not a solution at all and it won't change anything at all.

Trying to avoid your favourite food

This is also just as much a waste of time as dieting . In fact , it's a form of dieting . Since dieting can be defined for this purpose as any effort to control your body weight by controlling the volume or nature of food you take in at a particular time.

Don't get me wrong , I am not saying that what you eat is not important . It is a fact that some food are better for you than others and it is also a fact that a proper amount of food you take in is healthier than too much or too little as well. But what I am trying to tell you is that you must shift your attention away from the food itself to the reason you eat too much .

As you that trying that trying to avoid the food you like the most just makes you want them the more . That's the way it is with anything that feels like self-denial and that's no way too live , that not life .

Diet pills

What a funny and fake solution , I think the dangerous practice is finally getting some of the publicity it deserves . Almost every week we now hear the news of ephedra , ma huang / etc More than 80 death and countless health problems have been directly linked to this natural stimulant .Yes we all want results and we want them fast , nobody agues with result . Yesterday will be nice . And therein lies much of our problem . We humans are not a patient bunch , we always expect to get everything we want at the touch of a button and we believe that whatever problems that cannot be solved with a button will be solved with pills . But it doesn't work that way for real.

Making repeated attempt to lose weight This is the most tragic consequence of diet industry approaches. With each failed weight loss attempt , it becomes more difficult to take off pounds . It's called the YO-YO syndrome . Every time the weight goes down , it comes back up .

But unlike the YO-YO it wants to come up higher than the starting point. This can or will always lead to depression if you will agree with me . And it can even cause gaining of weight.

Trying to avoid fattening food in general

This is another approach that doesn't work in real life because it like you're constantly fighting your own desires. You are trying to impose your will on your own powerful desire.

But will is no match for your deep craving desires. It is a pure wasting of time to try to fight your own desire . The easy way to succeed with weight loss is to make changes in your personal programming .

The good news is that this is just easy and enjoyable


If you're originally not feeling hungry , if you are in good health and you have no unhealthy psychological issues motivating your decision to skip your meal , then it's not a problem . But if you skip meal out of guilt , as part of food based weight control then you are making a big mistake .

You cannot rely on your own psyche to strike back at you , through your unconscious motivations. And whenever your conscious decisions ( like fasting and skipping meals ) conflict with your unconscious motivations ( like eating whatever meal and eating it whenever you want to), the unconscious motivating will win every time.

Using generic weight loss method

You need to understand the fact that you are different being to others , that's why things that works for your fat neighbour will never work for you . your situation is unique and it needs a unique approach. So make sure that your approach to weight loss is no generic , but is targeted to your own personal situation.

Relying on will power

I was as surprised as anyone that not only does will power not produce weight loss, but most often lead to weight weight gain.. are you asking me why? Ok . now that we know self denial creates a psychic "backlash" it's easier to understand why.

In truth will power is a fragile and fickle things –as anyone who ever relied on it knows only too well. In reality , will power is no power at all. It's simply the process of trying to go at cross purposes to our own deep desires.

Write everything down. Even (or especially) on bad/splurge days. It's only if you write things down that you know what you are doing. I'm not saying don't have the Peking Duck. I am saying, at least know what having the Peking Duck means

Life is too short so build in treats! Ok my weight loss is nice and slow but I don't feel like I am on a diet or that I am depriving myself of anything

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Weight Loss

There are literally thousands of diet plans on the market these days, but you can classify most of them in one of a few different categories. Only one is a reliable diet for fast weight loss, however.

  • What I like to call the "slow burn" diet-modest calorie reduction accomplished through healthy eating, possibly some light exercise mandated, focus on fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, chicken, etc. These diets work well, but they are slow; you are lucky if you lose 3-5 pounds per month.
  • Extreme calorie reduction, such as fasting or eating nothing but salad. I call this "better living through starvation." You do lose weight this way, but most of it tends to be water weight, and that weight loss often comes back with a vengeance when the diet ends.
  • The "miracle cure" diet-typically centred around one food or one type of nutrient. Last month it was protein, this month it's cabbage soup, next month it'll be peanut butter… my hope is we get a chocolate chip cookie diet soon. These diets can work, sometimes, if the underlying principles are sound, but they're mostly gimmicks. Human beings have been getting along just fine with balanced diets for thousands of years. The big secret to fast weight loss isn't going to be found at the bottom of a peanut butter jar.
  • Finally, there is a class of diets called "calorie shifting diets"-these are the best type of diet for fast weight loss if you want to actually keep that weight off. Calorie shifting works by structuring your meals based on the body's metabolic principles. In other words, you will eat certain types of foods at certain times of the day and week, in a manner designed to increase your metabolism. When your metabolism goes up, you burn calories and lose weight faster-no matter what you're doing.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Weight Loss

We know how crazy the holidays can be, but do not allow yourself to get lazy by putting off your weight loss workouts just to run holiday errands. It's a huge mistake to risk losing lean muscle mass that you have worked so diligently to maintain. Remember, muscle is your metabolism, and any losses in muscle tissue will lower your resting metabolic rate by up to 75%! Do you really want to decrease your ability to burn calories by 75%? Didn't think so. In addition, losing muscle will of course equate to losses in strength, and workout performance.

Here are 5 helpful tips to prevent weigh loss regression during the holidays:

1) Perform at least two intense 15-minute strength training workouts per week

Performing two intense but brief strength training workouts in the format of non-competing circuits will guarantee you maintain the lean muscle mass you worked hard to attain.

2) Perform N.E.A.T. weight loss exercises throughout the day

N.E.A.T. stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and is associated with fidgeting, maintenance of posture, and other physical activities of daily life. Research has shown that a significant increase of NEAT has proven to prevent excess weight gain over the holidays.

3) Drink 8-10 oz of water daily

Among its other benefits, water plays a major part in weight loss. Since water contains no calories, it can serve as an appetite suppressant, and helps the body metabolise stored fat. It may possibly be one of the most significant factors in weight loss. Also, drinking more water helps to reduce water retention by stimulating your kidneys. Studies have recommended that if you are overweight according to average height and weight comparison charts, you should add one glass of water to your daily requirement (of eight glasses) for every 25 pounds over your recommended weight. Some experts suggest during the hot summer months to add an additional glass to that total.

4) Take a fun specialty class like Zumba, Hip Hop, or Cardio Kickboxing

Participating in a specialty class over the holidays breaks up the monotony of your typical routine. Get into the groove, your body could use the change up and you'll see greater fitness gains when you return to your structured routine.

5) Use the world as your gym

If weather permits, head out to the parks and perform bodyweight exercises. Certain bodyweight exercises still prove superior to mainstream strength exercises. Or, just simply meet up with your good friends and throw a football around. Whatever it is just get out there, enjoy nature, enjoy fresh air, and move with a purpose.

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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AARP Finance

AARP Finance - As the year draws to a close stocks around the world are falling with day after day of bad news. Banks, Car Manufacturers, Home Owners and many large retail stores face an uncertain future and little is expected to change as the new year dawns.

AARP members are recommended wherever possible to reduce outstanding debts and to start living within their means. The few AARP members who are debt free are the lucky ones and are in the best position to be able to take advantage of market situations. The Majority need however to sit down over the holiday period and examine their finances.

Perhaps house owners with a large mortgage would be better to sell off and rent property instead of servicing a large debt. Use public transport rather than cars.

Spiraling credit was a root cause of the financial problems that beset AARP members. Credit cards are an expensive way of borrowing money, so it is important to pay off more than the minimum every month and if possible stop using a credit card and plan to replace it with a debit card once the balance has been paid off.

AARP members should seek out cards which offer zero percent on balance transfers which will help pay of thier dept earlier and avoid paying high interest rates.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Weight Loss Exercise Tips

I'll be honest with you, starting a weight loss program is not the easiest thing you'll ever have to do.

In fact, for most people it's extremely hard and takes a heap of dedication, sacrifice and agony.(But for others, weight loss just isn't that hard. The fat melts off their body like butter - without much sacrifice on their part.

Do they have secrets that others don't have, or is it just good genes?

In my opinion, it's a mix of both. Today I'd like to share with you a few secrets that those people have that you may not know about.

Here are 3 of my top fat loss secrets that very few people know about:

It's The Mix That Counts - Dieting alone will either produce lousy results or make you lose both fat and muscle, resulting in only a slight change in your body. Resistance training will help you gain muscle, but without changing your diet you won't get much weight loss. However, put them together and a synergistic effect takes place, ramping your metabolism up to "high gear", helping you lose fat while you maintain or even sometimes put on a little muscle. Realize that weight loss is not your goal - fat loss is your goal. Remember muscle weights more than fat.

Take It Up A Notch - Research has consistently shown that the old "traditional" way of doing cardio is not very effective. Instead of doing a slow exercise for 30-60 minutes, try going all-out for just 10-30 seconds followed by 30-60 seconds of rest (until your heart rate gets back to just above normal). This is called "high intensity interval training". Doing this alone will turbocharge your fat loss and make incredible differences to your body in a very short time period. I personally love a rowing machine for cardio exercise.

Protein Is King - Without enough protein, you are not going to see much difference in your body. Protein has 2 very important jobs when it comes to fat loss. First, it helps you build extra muscle which shapes your body and helps hide your fat - making you look better even if you don't lose any fat. Second, this extra muscle helps burn off more fat (the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day) which helps your muscles stand out on an even bigger level. This is one secret that very, very few people know about and even fewer truly understand.

There are dozens and dozens of weight loss tips and techniques out there, but if you take these 3 secrets and truly understand them, your fat loss efforts can easily double and you'll lose more weight faster and easier than you ever have before.

Two-thirds of the United States is overweight right now. Do yourself a favour and don't become part of the statistics. Believe me, it's a bad statistic to be part of.

Weight loss might not be the easiest thing in the world, but you've just learned 3 extremely valuable secrets that will make it much easier for you. You'll have much more success than 90% of the people you know just with these 3 easy to implement fat loss secrets you just learned.

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David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weight Loss Planning

So you're determined you need a weight loss program. But what? Losing weight is not in itself a behaviour. Releasing fat is an outcome of many behaviours that add up to consuming more calories than your expending. (Yes, theres a genetic component too, but you can't change that.)

The good thing is that this gives you lots of places to start moving toward your weight loss goal. The challenge is sorting through them all and finding what will work best for you. So here is the question: What are you most ready to change?

Behavioural researchers have identified five stages in behaviour change:

1. Pre contemplation: You re not even considering it. No way AR you going to give up your pizza and beer. Gym-going is not for you. Why walk when you can ride?

2. Contemplation: Well, maybe you could live without pizza and beer *every* week. Gym is out, but you always liked swimming, maybe a pool. The walk in the park with your friend was pleasant last weekend, maybe you could do it again.

3. Preparation: Next week you're going to skip that pizza. You found out the local Y has a pool and their family rates are affordable. You talked to your friend about doing more walks sometime.

4. Action: Two weeks and no pizza. You joined the Y and you've swum laps there a couple times. You and your friend have gone walking the past three Saturday mornings.

5. Maintenance: The weekly pizza has been a thing of the past for six months. Swimming is so much a part of your daily routine that you don't feel right if you skip it. Those Saturday walks are don't-miss tradition.

In fact, this readiness to change model is behaviour-specific. That is, you might be in the action stage with the pizza but still in pre contemplation on that exercise stuff. You re not likely to be very successful if you flog yourself for not swimming laps every day, what you want to do is move yourself to the next stage: List the pros and cons of regular exercise and guess what, you're thinking about it and that means contemplation.

So think about the behaviours you can change create weight loss. What stage are you in for each of those behaviours? In each case, what can you do to move yourself to the next stage? What are you most ready to change.

The New Year is soon upon us and is the ideal time to put ideas into action

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
Contact Us
TriVita Business Affiliate 13142173
phone 1-386-308-1956
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weigth Loss

Counting calories, working out an hour a day, drink more water. You've heard it all before in my previous posts. It's so generic, it could fit the bill for anyone. But you are a woman and your body is very much different from men. Men don't have cycles their body goes through, don't have to prepare themselves when you want to have children or worry about after pregnancy weight gain. So what should you do? Follow these 3 basic weight loss tips that separate the women from the men.

The Best Weight Loss Program For Women

1) Water is always No 1. Why? Water makes up 65-70% of the human body. Drinking water has zero calories and is a great filtration device for women to clean out their kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines. Drinking caffeine will make you feel energetic and first but you will develop a dependency on it and you will get these nagging headaches that will make you counterproductive. Drinking water is probably the most vital part of losing weight for women. You will feel more energetic drinking water than coffee or diet soda could ever do and lose weight at the same time! This is the most important aspect to quick weight loss.

2) Say yes to carbs. Carbohydrates are important to the functionality of women each and every day. Carbs are our energy source and is needed for our kidneys to function properly and are easier to break down in the stomach. Concentrate on your carbohydrate intake in the morning and afternoon. This is the time of the day where your body will be most productive and will be needing energy to function throughout the day. Fruits and whole grain breads are great sources to aid in weight loss.

3) Keep your stomach on empty when you go to bed. A women's body is delicate and precise. To keep looking your best, limit your food intake 3 to 4 hours before you go to bed. A full belly before bed time will cause your metabolism to slow down (it always does when you sleep) and will store the unused energy as fat. Then when you wake up, you don't feel hungry and makes you skip breakfast. A mostly empty stomach will keep your metabolism stable while you sleep and will force the body to burn fat. You say you don't eat breakfast. Have you had problems losing weight? This is a main reason why. Your metabolism is behind the eight ball when you don't eat breakfast. So how is it going to work efficiently breaking down food when it doesn't want to work? Eat a breakfast everyday, no matter if you don't feel hungry. Your body will thank you for it.

These are the 3 top tips for the best weight loss program for women. Stay on course and you will start losing weight quickly. Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is definitely possible.

For More Weight Loss Information from TriVita Click Here, or to receive my FREE weigh loss Report Click Here

David Ogden - Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA
Contact Us
TriVita Business Affiliate 13142173
phone 1-386-308-1956
Skype seadogs11

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Weight Loss

 You must ensure that your <B><A HREF="">weight loss</A></B> program is  successful. Eat right, strength train and cardio right? Well yes, but there is another aspect that is equally important as those three, and It is rest, and this is why…
Most people think they are building muscle when they are in the gym. You pump some iron and your muscles look big right? Well in fact, you are doing the opposite,you are breaking down muscle. The reason the muscles look big at the time is because they are full of blood, it's called "pump". You are really ripping and tearing your muscles during your workouts, that's why you are sore the next day. So when are you building muscle?  Actually its while you are asleep and resting the next day. When you lift you use the protein in your muscles, so when you are done you need to replenish them with proper nutrients and let them rest so they can rebuild. This process begins right after your workouts with a proper meal and continues with proper sleep that night and rest the next day. There is some research that suggests that your muscles are not fully recovered for up to 72 hrs after a hard strength training routine. This does not mean you have to wait 3 days between lifting, but hitting the iron hard again the next day will mean that your muscles have not returned to the state they were in before the last workout. So if you break them down some more the next day it will take them that much longer to get back to normal, then longer to build up from the original starting point two days ago. You can avoid some of this by doing split routines (different body parts on different days) but if you do total body workouts and you train everyday you are actually doing more harm then good. I'd recommend at least one day of rest between total body workouts.
With cardio, the thought process of most people is they have to get in their fat burning zone (it is usually marked in BIG letters on your elliptical!!!) so they can shed those extra pounds. Well, sorry to disappoint, but you burn very little fat while exercising. It is the increase in metabolism caused by the exercise that will last through the day and into the night that is burning the fat. Again diet plays a vital role with this as the proper meal post workout will help your metabolism stay up longer so you can burn more fat. This sounds counter productive but it is true, you need to eat and rest to reach your goals of <B>weight loss.</B>
Too much strength training and cardio can lead to what is known in the biz as "over training". Over training is when your body does not get enough rest and all progress with strength gains ,weight loss, and cardio-vascular endurance will cease. This is because your body likes a state of balance and if you throw its balance off too often (like training 7days a week) your body will fight back by basically, shutting down. More is not better when it comes to training. You need a balance of the four aspects of fitness. Strength training, cardio, proper nutrition and rest are the keys to the success that you seek.


<P>For More <B>Weight Loss</B> Information from TriVita<A HREF=""> Click Here</A>, or to receive my FREE <B>weigh loss </B>Report <A HREF="">Click Here</A>

<p>David Ogden -<a href=""> Health and Wellness - Lose Weight USA <br/></a><a href="">Contact Us</a>
<BR><A HREF="">TriVita Business Affiliate 13142173</A><BR>
phone 1-386-308-1956<BR>
Skype seadogs11
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